Thursday, February 1, 2018

Week 1...the good the bad and the blah...

So obviously, my schedule these days is not conducive to a daily blog entry and that's okay. It'll make them a little less boring...maybe? Week 1 actually went pretty well. I didn't stick to keto 100% like I did the first time around, but 90% lost me 7.8lbs in week 1 so I'm happy about it! I know it was 7.8lbs that was mostly water and all put on pretty recently, but at least it came back off quickly.

As always, the problem is sticking to it. The problem with NOT going 100% like I did last year is that after I weigh-in with my group on Tuesdays, I tend to reward myself with a treat meal. What's wrong with that? theory...if I kept it at just one meal. And I thought I could. But then Wednesday afteroon, my daughter brought home a box of World's Finest chocolates to sell for the National Jr. Honor Society and the rest is history.

I had 3 chocolate bars (luckily they're skinnier and thinner than the last time I remember eating them so at least there's that...)...and then that set off ALLLLLL the cravings. I think I had an omelette in there somewhere yesterday to pretend I was being healthy...but most of the day was sugar. Tootsie rolls, mini cheesecakes, caramels....and a whopper and fries at 10:30pm cause I was bumming about a rough volleyball game and of course that must mean I'm dying of starvation and need a whopper, right? Cause who doesn't. Also...fry sauce.


Why do I do this to myself? I know I'm not the only one either. I was telling my group this morning that I wish I were one of those people who just really isn't that big into food and only eats cause they need to to live. I mean yes...I am glad I enjoy eating, but wish maybe I just enjoyed it a lot less. I know more people who are food addicts than people who are food toleraters...but they do exist! Strange people they are :P (Sorry Liz! haha) And sometimes I'm jealous.

I really don't want to re-gain those 7.8lbs though and I know I'm going to eat some fun things while we watch the Super Bowl on Sunday (GO PATS!!!!) so I need to get back on track HARD today. Stating that outloud (or whatever you call this) helps me to feel more committed in doing that. And it's not just about not wanting to re-gain weight. I feel like absolute crap when I eat that way. If only that were enough to make me stop, right?

So today's a new day. I'll keep it clean and get in a good workout teaching Zumba tonight and then I will NOT have fast food for dinner. Shouldn't be anyway. Need the $.

But man was that whopper good...