Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Alternative forms of exercise...

I absolutely loved having my parents around this past week.  I may be at the gym 5-6 days a week, but in my normal every day life...my days are pretty boring and I don't get in much more activity/steps than I do while at the gym.  But when my parents are around it's a whole other ball game and I love it!

I still got in a few zumba workouts because let's face it...I'm obsessed.  I even got my mom to come with me, which was great!  You can tell she used to teach aerobics as she picked it up really quickly.  Not to mention having her next to me pushed me harder so I could "show off" a bit haha.  But the calorie burn didn't stop after we left the gym most days!

The thing my parents love the most about Florida (I think) is the fact that they can golf year round.  They are both AMAZING golfers and have been giving me lessons over the past couple of years.  Losing weight (especially in the...AHEM...chest area) has really helped to make the game easier, not to mention less tiring and a lot more fun!  My sisters haven't gotten much into the game, but I absolutely love it and wish I could go more often.  So my mom and I got up at 5:30 one morning and walked 9 holes at Schneiter's Bluff in West Point.  It was absolutely beautiful out and even though I didn't play well (I stopped keeping score after the 4th hole when my back/hip started screaming at me) I still had a blast.  I'll never understand how people can sit for hours and WATCH it on television, but I've quickly grown to love playing.  And it's a great workout!!

Then on the 5th of July, while we were all still down in the Provo area, we went for a gorgeous hike up to Stewart Falls, which is on the back side of Mt. Timpanogos.  We were supposed to be hiking with a bunch of extended family, but after being up late on the 4th, no one else showed but us!  We groaned about having to drag our kids out of bed after only 5 hours of sleep but it was so worth it.  I hadn't done that hike since I was 17 and I'm so glad I got to take my kids.  The hike wasn't easy by any means, but it wasn't so tough that I was hating it the whole way either.  And the falls were beautiful!!  The kids loved dancing in the water and my dad even decided to climb to the top of the waterfall.  Crazy man!  We were sure he was going to fall to his death, but luckily he lived to tell us what he saw at the top.

Yesterday was the day my daddy had to fly home, but not without giving me another lesson at the driving range.  We spent a good hour going over every aspect of my swing and I think we finally managed to figure out why I can hit the ball well, but it always goes to the right!!  The man should give golf lessons, seriously.  By the end, I was able to get in a really great drive or two...and they even went straight!  My goal is to one day beat my parents at 9 holes.  I'll need a lot more practice though.

It really was such a great week and I'm glad that it was so busy!  God knows I ate more than I have in weeks while they were here and I'm already back on track to burn it all off...but it was worth every calorie!

I need to try and get in more alternative forms of exercise.  I love my zumba classes, but I know I should mix it up.  I think I may try a step class in the next couple of weeks and I have a 5K coming up on the 24th so perhaps I should see how my foot handles running now that I've given it some time off!  I could use some more suggestions though.  Not going to wait for another plateau to hit before I change things up!

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