1. Season 34 will begin
on Tuesday, November 21. It will last 6 weeks and our final weigh in will be on
Tuesday, January 2, 2018.
2. The buy-in fee this
season will be $25. This is a singles season. Fees should be sent via Paypal to
Jillyslosers@gmail.com with the note “Season 34 buyin fee” and your name. All
fees MUST be paid by November 28. Make sure to mark your payments as being sent
to family and friends to avoid any PayPal fees.
3. This season happens to
fall during the holidays, which has always proved to be the roughest season of
the year for Jilly's Losers. So this season will be a little different than the
rest of the year and hopefully a bit less stressful (for me too!) For the first
time ever, we’re going to do a “Choose your own goal” season! You may choose to
either maintain or to try and lose some weight over the holidays. Whatever you
choose, it’s up to you! When you post your starting weigh-in photo, you will
also state your goal weight for the end of the season. You may not change it
once you post it unless the change is to lose MORE. Anyone who reaches their
goal weight will split the prize pot after the 6 weeks are up! Hopefully
everyone reaches their goal and the split ends up only being a few bucks, but
don’t worry! You’ll still have the chance to win bigger prizes for challenges!
(NOTE: All prizes are given after challenge rewards are paid out and 10% is
taken out of the pot for myself as insisted upon by you brats a few seasons
back *grumbles*. Thank you lol)
ATTENTION!: For those of
us who are current group members returning for season 34, I’m going to do
something you may or may not enjoy haha. Your goal weight for the holiday
season must be at or below your final weight for season 33. (If you missed the
final weigh-in, your 3rd week weigh-in will be used. If you DQ’d before that,
you will start over.) It really won’t be so bad though since all you have to do
is be AT or LOWER than that weight in 6 week’s time. It’s totally doable for
every single one of us! NOTE: You will still weigh-in on the 21st so that we
can see where everyone is at and how we did on our week off!
4. Regarding weigh-ins:
We have mandatory weekly weigh-ins every Tuesday. (Why Tuesdays? Because that's
the day that The Biggest Loser aired on NBC when I started this group and it's
just stuck!) Your weight picture must be posted by MIDNIGHT MST to count!
Please weigh in under the same circumstances every week (morning/night/clothed
or not, etc) As for strikes...you are allowed 2 missed weigh-ins per person. On
the 3rd missed weigh-in, you will be disqualified and you will not get your $
refunded. (You may continue to stay in the group and weigh-in but you will not
be eligible to win any $ or prizes either from challenges or the final
weigh-in) Remember that weigh-ins must be a picture of the # on your scale WITH
your feet showing. Not just a post of your weight.
5. Before pictures are
MANDATORY. The pictures may be with or without a shirt (you'll notice more of a
change if you do it without), but they must be full body pictures. If your
before picture is not submitted within the first week of competition (by Nov. 28),
you will be disqualified. (If you submitted an "after" picture for
season 33, that will count as your "before" picture for season 34)
Those who win prizes at the end of the season will not receive their prize
money until an AFTER picture has been submitted and they must do so within 48
hrs of the winning announcement. NOTE: Newcomers to this group always worry
that their pictures posted in the group will show up for the public to see.
This group is secret. As long as you are on the group wall BEFORE posting your
pictures, no one will see them but those in the group. Your pictures will show
up on your own feed when you view it, but I promise you no one else can see it!
6. Starting and final
weights will be confirmed with a KEY WORD. This is to ensure that starting and
ending pictures are truly taken on the day of the weigh-in and not before. I
will post the KEY WORD in this group the night before the first and last
weigh-ins. It should be written on a piece of paper or notecard and placed at
your feet in the front of your scale before taking your picture.
7. We will continue doing
weekly challenges. They are not mandatory. But for this season, they will work
a little differently! I like to do a 12 days of Christmas kind of thing where
every day for 12 days (leading up to Christmas), a different prize is given
away in a drawing. They will range from small gift cards to some really big
prizes (depending on how big our group is)! What this means is that all of the
challenges leading up to the 12 days of Christmas will earn you raffle ticket
entries that can be used in any drawing you choose. Once the 12 days of
Christmas begin, I will announce that day’s raffle prize first thing in the
morning and you will have until that evening to decide if you want to use some
of your tickets for the drawing, which will be done that night via FB live
video. It’s a lot of fun with some fun prizes and hopefully will motivate
everyone to work hard on the challenges to earn lots of tickets! NOTE: You may
only win ONE prize during the 12 days of Christmas.
8. POINTS!!! Since so
many of us rely on the points system to keep us on track during the week, I'd
like to keep using it. The person with the most points at the end of 6 weeks
will win a $25 Target or Amazon gift card.
-There is a weekly point
calendar for each of the 6 weeks. (It will be posted as a separate document
under the “Files” tab on the group page) Print it out and use to track your
points and weight loss. If you prefer to use an excel spreadsheet that will do
your math for you, Cody Mecham made one a few seasons ago that I’ve updated and
will post as well for you to download.-Beginning on Week #2 there is a double
point challenge (highlighted in yellow)
-You can exercise each
day, but you will only receive points for exercising 5 days a week. You can
earn 5 points for 30-44 mins of exercise and 7 points for 45+ mins. Just enter
the minutes of exercise in the box on the excel sheet.
-Instead of no
sugar/treats this season, we’re limiting it to one treat/serving per day. So
when a neighbor brings over Christmas cookies, you just get one! Hopefully this
will prevent any binges, but also allow us to enjoy the holidays in moderation.
-I’ve replaced “no carbs
after lunch” with “get 7 hrs of sleep”, which may end up being harder for some!
You can get 5 points for this…up to 4 times each week. “Sleep” means being in
your bed TRYING to sleep. No phone, no tv, etc. You won’t be penalized for
bathroom breaks or nursing babies.
-There is a sample food
journal that you can use or you can use your own kind of food journal to keep
track of what you eat.
-Daily contact with
teammate: It’s amazing the strength that comes from encouragement from your
teammates! We said that you could email, call, or text someone in the group to
encourage them to have a healthy day. It helps knowing that you are all in this
together and makes you accountable for what you do or don’t do. Posting or
commenting on the group page also counts. Hitting LIKE does NOT count!
-There will be no extra
points for pounds lost, but instead just the 5 points for either maintaining or
beating your lowest weight of the season. NOTE!!!!! Points totals MUST be messaged
via Facebook to Jill Tracy by midnight MST each Tuesday in order to be counted.
With such a large group, I’m afraid there will be no exceptions. If you forget
to tell me one week…they won’t count. I’m sorry!
9. Remember that this
group is about gaining health and losing weight through eating right and
exercising. Extreme/fad diets are not allowed. Weight Watchers and things like
that are fine, but no pills/drops/powders etc.
10. This group is only
for those who will be actively participating in the competition this season, so
while I hope everyone will stick around, please know that if you choose not to
join us this season, you will be removed from the group. You are always welcome
to join us in later seasons

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