Thursday, April 13, 2017

Week 6 and we're halfway there!

I still have a hard time believing myself when I tell people that I haven't had sugar in 6 weeks. It sounds crazy. Who DOES that?? Sugar is amazing! I love sugar! But I have. 6 whole weeks without a single mess up. *knock on wood repeatedly*. It has truly been an eye opening experience and I have learned that when I say "no" to treats that are offered or available...I don't shrivel up and die.'s not so bad.

Ari and I went grocery shopping the other day and the lady behind us in line had Breyer's Butter Pecan ice cream on the conveyor belt. Ariana started whimpering and pouting at me. I didn't know she had ever even tried Butter Pecan, let alone loved it. But I truly believe that when you haven't had your favorite sweets in a long time, LOTS of things sound good that you maybe never had before. I hugged her and told her that the ice cream would still be in the store's freezer in 6 more weeks when she's done with her no sugar challenge and that seemed to chill her out a bit haha. But it's true and I tell myself that everytime something tempts me. Brownies that I KNOW to be delicious sat on a table 5 feet away from me at a church activity the other night...and I managed to say no. Why? Because I know where I can get them and they will still exist in a few months. I don't NEED them. It makes me glad that my mother isn't coming to visit us until after my birthday so that I can say the occasional yes to treats that I only get when she's here! haha. That's not to say that once June 5th comes I'll go back to eating how I was before. I won't be. But there will be more wiggle room than there is right now.

So 6 weeks have passed and this week I saw the scale drop another 1.7lbs for a total of 15.8 in 6 weeks! At the beginning of week 6, the scale seemed to stall out and I really do think that it was the diet soda *sighs* After I'd had it out of my system for 2 days, the scale dropped again. So I'm going to need to be more careful with that I guess. Stevia doesn't seem to affect my being in ketosis...but apparently aspartame does. It's not good for me anyway, but still. Sometimes I just want a freaking diet coke!

Season 30 of Jilly's Losers is starting next week and I'm really excited for the new format I've come up with! We will be competing on teams of 4 and I put together a team of some of my Zumba friends/students from my gym! I know they will keep me on track through June and it will be fun to have workout buddies who motivate me on a daily basis! We just finished Season 29 and while I was far from winning (since I didn't start getting serious until 1/4 of the way in) was the first season in a long time that I had a good weight loss. It felt good to be in control and to feel like I was setting a good example. There is nothing harder than running my weight loss group when I myself have ZERO motivation to do the things I'm trying to help other people do. So it feels good to be back at the reigns again and to have a desire to do so.

I know motivation comes and goes and that I can't just rely on "feeling like it" to get me to my goals. I'm grateful that things have started becoming habit so that on the bad days, I don't crumble. I still get things done the way they need to be and the scale doesn't run my emotions. Life is good!!

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