Sunday, May 15, 2011

Curiosity didn't kill nuffn!

So yesterday, Nathan gave in and weighed himself after only 2 days...and had lost like another 6 lbs. I was like "HOLY CRAP! WTF!" I wanted to try and wait till Thursday again but when Nathan breaks's like...this need I have to follow suit haha. It's one of our downfalls.

So this morning I caved to curiosity and got on the scale. I can proudly say that in 3 days, I've lost 4 more lbs and I am now at my lowest weight in 10 years! 287.8 baby! I know if I'd waited a few more days that number would be even more impressive, but I'm still excited.

I do think I'm not quite getting enough calories though. I'm not feeling massive hunger pains or anything, but I haven't been eating the melba toast this time around and last night I got realllllly lightheaded when I got up. So I'm going to try and shove a little more protein in me. I don't want to eat the melba toast if I don't have to. It seems to slow my weight loss and I only ever really ate it when I was feeling sick with hunger. I'm doing so well this time I want to try and avoid that. But dizzy is no fun...way worse than curiosity hehe.

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