Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 19...Sundays are my favorite

Sundays are always like a reset for me and I love them. It's the one day of the week that ALL of my kids are home and there's no work or errands to be run and we can attend church together and then just spend the rest of the day together relaxing.

I've come to accept that there will almost always be treats when we go to church whether it be during a lesson on Sunday or an activity during the week. Yesterday, my good friend Emily (who is like a gourmet cook/chef/baker by the way) brought in some delicious looking banana bars (with cream cheese frosting *drools*) for the 12-13 year old girls that we teach. Because she is such a good friend, she brought in some fruit leather for Ariana and I so that we wouldn't feel left out. It never ceases to amaze me how many people take the time to consider us when they plan these things. They certainly aren't obligated to, but I hope they know how much we love them for thinking of us on our "no sugar" journey!

After church, the kids wanted some turkey and cheese sandwiches, and not wanting to make 2 lunches, I made my "sandwich" on leaves of Romaine instead of bread. It was so good! Need to try that with BLT's I think. I'm finding it easier and easier to substitute romaine for bread, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to seriously savoring that one tiny bite of bread during the sacrament at church yesterday. There are some days I seriously just want a slice of toast with butter and honey...but of course even one slice of bread would wipe out most of my allotted carbs for the I don't.

I've had a couple people ask me why I can't have bread if I'm doing "no sugar" and so I explain to them the reasoning behind going "low carb". Something that I think most people (including myself not too long ago) don't realize is that the body processes A LOT of foods the exact same way as it does straight up sugar. Bread turns to sugar in your body. Pasta.....sugar. Fruits & starchy veggies? Sugar. They're carbohydrates and they provoke an insulin response in the body...things get turned into fat and voila. So while I'm not having my girls give up bread/pasta/etc...I chose to do it for myself because I know it has played a huge part in getting rid of the cravings I was dealing with and it is most definitely helping me to lose weight, feel more energized and to eat less/healthier!

Sunday dinner was a repeat of last week with the baked chicken parmesan that I'm in love with. Even the kids love it. So anytime I can get away with making a single dinner for all of us, I'm going to do it haha. The last few days I have made sure to save enough carbs for my new favorite "dessert". I cut up 1 cup of strawberries, pour 2 Tbsp. of heavy whipping cream over it and then sprinkle a touch of stevia on top. It's SO good and when you haven't had sugar in almost 3 weeks it's extremely indulgent. I love that I'm finding new ways to avoid feeling deprived. I have yet to reach a point where I can walk by the bakery at the store and not feel that ache in my stomach telling me I WANT EVERYTHING IN IT....but I will. And it's getting easier.

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