Friday, March 3, 2017

Days 2 and 3...annnnnd 93 more to go :-/

Since Day 3 is almost over and I didn't have time to write about yesterday, I'll just knock them out together in one entry. My goal is to write about every day on this 96 day journey though it's merely for my benefit and I don't expect people to stay riveted by every entry haha.

Day 2 had far less temptations, which helped immensely. But more than anything I'm becoming more and more grateful to have planned out every single thing I will eat through next Monday night. Taking the decision making out of each meal has made this SO much less stressful than it usually is and I honestly think I may start making this a regular thing for me.

However, one thing I've learned from trying to meal plan every single thing that goes in my that I did not plan nearly enough calories. A lot of people in my group are finding the same thing. I don't know if it's that we graze and snack a lot more than we realize we do...or if we were all just really determined to plan for a super healthy week and overdid it a bit. Thus far I've been under 1200 calories every day, which in the long term isn't something I would ever be able to handle...especially once I'm back to working out.

Day 2 also included a workout at home, which felt good to do. I put on my headphones and worked through some of my old Zumba choreography in the chair just to make sure I don't forget it for when it's time to start teaching again. Then I got down on the floor and got in some much needed ab work. It really is frustrating how quickly you lose muscle and cardiovascular endurance when you're not working out. I have a lot of work to do to get it back (and then some!) But getting in a 550 calorie workout and only eating 1200 calories is something I would never do or tell anyone else to least not as a regular thing. Luckily it didn't seem to affect me too much, but I won't be making a habit out of it.

Day 3 was a big one for me. My 10 year old had her first gymnastics meet (which we'd already paid for) at a gym an hour away from home. Since it was during the day, Nathan had to work which meant I got to really drive for the first time since my injury. I was nervous...and it felt very weird to try and fit back into my Converse sneakers in the car, but my foot felt great and I felt safe and we made it there and back with no issues! More importantly, she did a GREAT job at her meet and we got to stop at my favorite place for lunch (pre-planned) on the way home.

Zupas has these amazing protein bowls that I can't get enough of. My favorite is called the Mexi-cali braised pork protein bowl. It has kale, which normally I cannot stand...but SO good in this bowl, red/yellow peppers, black beans, corn, pork, quinoa and guacamole. So it's a bit high in carbs, but still far more healthy than most things you would get in a restaurant. And I didn't even finish it. We had also packed healthy snacks for the early morning drive so that we wouldn't be tempted to stop for a McGriddle haha.

Nathan and the kids have been doing great so far with the no sugar thing! I've been very impressed. That is...unless they're sneaking it while they're at school haha. I know this isn't going to be easy for any of us, but hopefully it will get easiER at least.

So Day 3 isn't quite over yet, but I think I can call it a success. I decided to try something fun with my Quest Cookies n' Cream protein shake tonight and put it in the freezer to see if I can pass it off as ice cream. We'll see how it goes. Tomorrow will be a bit tougher. Fingers crossed.

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