Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today I took my daughter to her swimming lesson. As I sat and looked around the pool, inhaling the scent of took me back to when I was a kid/teenager swimming competitively. I always missed it, but it became more apparent today just sitting there watching others do what I used to love. I was pretty damn good too if I remember right. I gave it up when I hit high school in order to play volleyball instead, but I've always missed it.

So today I decided that that's something I want to aspire to doing again. Swimming. And not just lounging around in the pool with the kids swimming either. I want to get myself in shape and get back into lap swimming...rebuild my strength and maybe eventually look into the adult swim team around here. Given, this is something that would be way out in the future when I've lost a lot more of my weight, but it's something that I think I'd enjoy.

I also want to get back into volleyball, now that I think about it. It was also something I did fairly well at (though my sister Heidi can kick my butt now haha)..but it became harder to really play seriously with all this extra weight. I can still wail a ball over the net when I serve, but there's a lot more to it haha. So these things are more motivation for me to lose the weight. I want to get back to doing things "I" enjoy...and not just being the mom all the time.

I think I lost my sense of self and individuality somewhere in all these rolls haha. I've forgotten what it's like to do things for myself and not just for my family. Here's to rediscovering them!


  1. Great idea Jill!! I love volleyball and play at least twice a week. Where do you live again? If it's close by, I'd love for you to come play when you're ready!

  2. Awesome goals!!! Can't wait to take pictures of you jumping into the lights like Heidi! :-)

  3. Jilly!
    You're doing so well, I'm so excited for you. I would ask though, why do you think you should wait to start swimming again? You enjoy it, it's good for you, I say go for it! I think moving in the water and feeling yourself get stronger, faster and leaner will be empowering.
    You can do it Ben! (Would someone please clue me in???)
    Hugs and kisses to all

  4. That's not Mark, that's Auntie LaShel!!!

  5. hahaha! "You can do it, Ben" is from a cheeeeesy movie we used to watch when we were kids called "The Bewitching of Ben Wagner". This girl said "Ben" in the most annoying accent so we all kinda picked it up and started saying "You can do it Ben!" We're weird, but it works haha.
