Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holy !$@#

So curiosity got the better of me this morning. I wasn't going to weigh again until Friday when I have my last meeting with Maeli, but I just had to know! I was fully expecting to have gained another 10 lbs and spend the day crying, but I needed to know. So after not weighing myself for 6 days, I stepped onto the scale..closed my eyes for a moment..and then looked down. 306.2 was what it read. I did a double take. "That can't be right." So I zero'd out the scale and did it again. Same thing. "HOLY CRAP I LOST 7 POUNDS!!!" I was practically jumping up and down like a little kid at Christmas

Hours later I'm sitting here still in shock that I'm finally losing weight after working my butt off on this maintenance plan. It only took 2 weeks to get the numbers going the right way again but it finally happened. I even cheated a little bit the other day and shared half a burrito with Nathan. It was so good. It would've been worth the half pound gain honestly. I'm in such a good mood now though and I needed that boost.

The plan for me is to start my next round of hcg drops a week from tomorrow, but first I'm going to see if I can lose more just doing this eating right and exercising thing. Now that I've trained myself to do it, it's a lot easier...and healthier. So I guess we'll see. Either way...I'm only 6.2 lbs .from breaking that 300 pound mark and I can't freaking wait!!!


  1. HOORAY!!!!! What a wonderful surprise!! I love when the scale is NICE to me :) Great job Jill!

  2. Congratulations! This is exciting news! You have worked so hard, you deserve this blessing! Keep up the great work!

  3. Way to go - I started my diet AGAIN yesterday! New Year's resolution - not to be overweight!
