Friday, January 21, 2011

Breaking Habits and Breaking Out

So I was only down 1 lb. today, but Nathan was down 2.4! So yay Nathan! However...naughty Nathan saw a packet of crackers on the counter today and snatched one up without even thinking. He got all upset when he realized what he'd just eaten but it'll be okay. It's just a habit that's hard to break. Ya see something sitting out and ya just wanna grab one..or a handful...cause you're hungry. It's just like wanting to lick brownie batter off your finger *cries*. It's a habit you have to break on this diet and it's hard! Nathan's got co-workers all around him right now eating chocolate cake and he's having to not give in to habit and join in. Him doing this diet is infinitely harder than it was for me, simply because I got to stay home and control my environment. His co-workers aren't exactly the most supportive people. It's like they're trying to see who can make him crack first. But I know he can do it. I KNOW he can. And then they'll all be chunky and he'll be the skinny guy with a six pack. So HA!

The other thing I hate about this diet is that I get acne...more than I ever do at any other time. As my mom said to me..when this stuff is working really well, you can almost feel your fat coming out of your pores. That sounds pretty nasty..and yeah, your face can get oilier than usual. So now I have this giant zit on my chin and it hurts! I've always been overweight, but I've always had a great complexion. It was the thing I was always complimented on growing up, so I've kinda clung to that. But now it's all icky and I hate that haha.

Okay I'm freakin hungry. I'm done writing for now.

1 comment:

  1. Jill, I think the acne could be your body "detoxing". When I went thru a detox, not intending to at first, I got all kinds of bumps on my tongue, they were scary, I could feel them on the back of my throat. One thing you can do to help the detox is drink lots of water, the other one, that is more comfy, take an epsom salt bath - fill your tub with really warm water, add 2cups epsom salts, 1/2c baking soda. It not only is relaxing, it helps you to detox - I always keep a glass of water nearby. I roll up a towel to put behind my neck, find a good book to read, or listen to a book on tape... Enjoy for 20 minutes! If nothing else, it is so relaxing! Congrats to you and Nate - what a sweetie to join you in this - now, that's a great, supportive husband! Theresa
