Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stupid red meat...

Steak is the best part about this diet. It's nummy and it's something that in normal, every day life, I've never really gotten to eat very often. It was always kind of seen as a luxury food. The problem is...if you eat it too often on this diet, it can cause a stall as it takes longer for the body to metabolise than lighter meats *sighs*

So just as I suspected..2 mornings after eating the steak, it's caught up to me. I was only down .4 today (292.8) and Nathan was only down .8 It's better than nothing, but it still has me worried about the second week slow down I had last time. I don't want to relive the frustration of doing this diet perfectly and having my weight stay around a certain # for 5-6 days..up and down. I want to lose more weight this round than I did last time and I'm already more than halfway there.

So I guess that means more chicken and fish and less (if any at all) red meat *sighs*

1 comment:

  1. My diet place told me no more than 2x per week...bummer. I try to have it on the day after I weigh in so it won't affect my next weigh in. Good luck!
