Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weird or freakin cool....

So I was up WAY too late last night and I've definitely decided it's got a negative effect on my hcg diet cause I was feeling hungry pretty bad by the time I went to bed. Not to mention I ended up sleeping in to a time I won't even admit here. But I have discovered something that's pretty freakin least I think so. I'm just not sure why it does it.

I set my alarm for 8am to take my first dose this morning and took it ..then weighed myself. My weight was up again from yesterday and I wanted to scream. Up like..1 1/2 lbs. So all upset I just went back to bed and said "screw it". I woke up a few hours later and went to go take a shower...weighed myself again. And I was DOWN .6 from what I'd been the day before. What the crap!! I did it 3 times just to be sure I read it right. But man...losing that much weight just sleeping for a few hours...felt pretty damn cool. It had happened a couple days before too but I figured it was just some weird fluke, but now I'm starting to think it's a great way to lose weight haha. Take the drops then sleep immediately! Who knows.

Only problem is now I have a really late start on my 500 calories today, but I'm planning to be in bed by 11 tonight, so I'll just squish my meals a bit closer together I guess. Not likin this low bloodsugar feeling though from having not eaten since yesterday evening.

This is the best apple I've ever eaten!

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